Your Support

With your support, we can change people’s lives.

We are seeking your commitment to:

  1. Recognise community health in both policy and legislation for the role it plays in the health system, broader human services issues, and disasters and emergency events. Community health assists communities to both survive and thrive.

  2. Invest in the community health platform to address both health inequity in regional and rural Victoria and the Victorian State Significant Risk Interdepartmental Committee (risk IDC) identified risks. The examples below demonstrate the critical capabilities of ARRCH. With your support, we can change people’s lives.

Socio-economic disadvantage
(Risk IDC rank – 3)

High Risk Accommodation Response and the community paramedic models – bring health professionals and support to the houses, streets and places where those impacted by the economic downturn live.

Chronic Preventable Illness
(Risk IDC rank – 4)

Chronic disease case management and pathway model – includes prevention and wellbeing.

Mental Health
(Risk IDC rank – 5)

Strong clinical response and community-based support to prevent acute episodes and reduce hospital admissions.

Pandemic & Disaster Response
(Risk IDC rank – 13)

Ready to support the community in pandemic and disaster response e.g. foot and mouth, COVID-19, and severe weather events.